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Claims of Manipulation and Assault: Harvey Weinstein Accused of Breaking Down Rape Victim

Jessica Mann, a rape accuser of Harvey Weinstein, testified that the disgraced movie mogul manipulated her from the start and subjected her to multiple assaults, culminating in rape.

In a gripping testimony given under oath, the former actress detailed her harrowing experiences with Weinstein, including instances of alleged s**ual abuse that left her emotionally shattered.

Mann recounted how she first encountered Weinstein at a gathering seven years ago, where he swiftly showed interest in her and dangled professional opportunities.

Despite initial discussions revolving around her career, Mann asserted that Weinstein’s behavior took a dark turn when he requested a massage during one meeting and later forced oral s** on her under the guise of discussing a potential movie role.

Struggling to extricate herself from Weinstein’s clutches, Mann admitted to feigning pleasure to escape a distressing encounter.

However, the situation escalated weeks later when Weinstein allegedly raped her at a Manhattan hotel, employing erection medication to facilitate the assault.

Recalling the traumatic incident, Mann described how Weinstein prevented her from leaving, coerced her into disrobing, and left her feeling helpless and defeated.

In a chilling revelation, Mann disclosed that Weinstein, following her disclosure of having a boyfriend, callously asserted that she “owed him one more time” before engaging in intercourse with her about a year later.

Despite Weinstein’s camp contending that their relationship was consensual and persisted beyond the purported assault, highlighting affectionate emails sent by Mann, the gravity of Mann’s accusations against the once-powerful producer cannot be understated.

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