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Clark Gable Accused of Rape by Loretta Young’s Family

In what was thought to be a romantic liaison during Hollywood’s golden era, the relationship between Clark Gable and his co-star Loretta Young harbored a dark secret, as revealed by her relatives.

Allegations suggest that Gable, renowned for his portrayal of Rhett Butler in Gone With The Wind, s**ually assaulted Young after intruding into her train compartment back in 1935.

This incident occurred while the cast of The Call of the Wild was en route from Seattle to Los Angeles, near where the movie was filmed, as disclosed by Young’s daughter-in-law.

During their journey, Gable reportedly entered Young’s private compartment without consent, leading to Young discovering her pregnancy a month later.

At the time, both actors were married, and the scandal of their rumored affair could have severely damaged their careers.

Consequently, Young, aged 22 at the time, concealed her pregnancy, eventually traveling to England and returning to California to give birth secretly to a daughter named Judy.

Despite sending Gable a telegram announcing the birth of a baby girl, he remained unresponsive and played little to no role in Judy’s upbringing.

Judy was briefly placed in an orphanage outside Los Angeles before being “adopted” by her biological mother several months later.

Young later acknowledged that Judy was indeed her biological child.

Years later, when Judy learned about her father’s true identity following Gable’s passing from a heart attack, she confronted her mother.

Young finally admitted the truth, labeling her own daughter as a “living mortal sin.”

However, recent revelations suggest that the actual sin may have been committed by Gable himself.

Young’s daughter-in-law, Linda Lewis, disclosed that Young, prior to her death in 2000, confided in her about being a victim of rape.

Lewis recounted an instance when Young, then 85 years old, sought clarification on the concept of date rape after watching a television discussion.

In response, Young equated her experience with what she had endured with Gable.

Shocked by the revelation, Lewis chose to keep this revelation private in order to shield Judy.

Following Judy’s demise in 2011, Lewis and her husband, Chris – Young’s son from her second marriage – decided to make this information public.