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David O. Russell’s Intense Directorial Style: Amy Adams Opens Up About Emotional Struggles on Set

Filmmakers often have unique methods to push their actors to deliver exceptional performances.

Amy Adams faced emotional turmoil while filming the 2013 movie American Hustle, all thanks to director David O. Russell’s unconventional approach.

Adams shared her experience of working with Russell, highlighting how he resorted to shouting instructions that sometimes led her to tears during the production of American Hustle.

Drawing a comparison between herself and fellow actress Jennifer Lawrence, Adams described Lawrence as tough as “Teflon.”

Known for his demanding nature, director David O. Russell has a reputation for creating intense environments on set, evident in his works like Amsterdam, Silver Linings Playbook, and Joy.

His aim is to extract genuine emotions from his actors to bring authenticity to the screen.

During the filming of American Hustle, Russell directed a scene involving Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper, where Adams had to deliver a physical blow to Cooper while he yelled at her.

In an interview with GQ, Adams recounted the pressure she felt off-camera as Russell incessantly shouted instructions at her.

Reflecting on her surprising experience working with Russell, Adams recalled the intense atmosphere created by the director, especially during scenes with Cooper and Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook.

She expressed her astonishment at the immersive and dynamic working style Russell brought to the table.

Adams revealed instances where Russell’s directing had moved her to tears on multiple occasions.

Acknowledging her own vulnerability compared to Lawrence’s resilience, Adams confessed to struggling with the director’s demanding tactics, contrasting Lawrence’s ability to remain unaffected by such pressures.

In a candid moment, Adams admitted to feeling devastated on set due to Russell’s challenging demeanor, contrasting her reaction with Lawrence’s composed response to similar situations.

Despite her discomfort with the treatment, Adams emphasized the importance of standing against mistreatment, even in a high-pressure work environment.

Despite the tumultuous filming experience, American Hustle received favorable ratings, scoring 7.2/10 on IMDB and an impressive 92% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Starring alongside Christian Bale and Bradley Cooper, the 2013 film remains available for streaming on Paramount+, showcasing the dedication of the cast and crew in delivering a compelling cinematic experience.