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Ed Sheeran’s Embarrassing Stage Moment Revealed

Ed Sheeran has just won the award for oversharing among celebrities with his recent confession!

During an interview with Nova in Ireland where he played a game of “Yes/No,” the popular singer was confronted with the question of whether he has ever passed gas while on stage (quite a refined inquiry!).

In response, Ed Sheeran took honesty to another level by openly admitting that he frequently passes gas on stage, stating that he even experienced a mishap where a fart turned into a shart.

Detailing the incident, he shared, “I actually once miscalculated a fart while performing, which unfortunately turned out to be a shart.”

(For those unfamiliar with bathroom terminology, a ‘shart’ is a blend of ‘sh*t’ and ‘fart’ – you can imagine the rest, thanks.)

He continued, “It happened midway through the performance, and I had to make a quick decision to stand for the remainder of the show, hoping it would end soon so I could discard those trousers once I got home!”

Despite attempts from the interviewer to steer the conversation away, Ed went on to provide further context for the unfortunate shart incident, explaining, “I had traveled from London to Tokyo to Sydney and back to England all within three days, which really took a toll on me.

I was extremely unwell.”

After sharing this rather personal revelation, he was then asked if he belonged to the mile-high club.

Ed responded with a laugh, saying, “No, you usually join that club on a private jet, but I’ve never been on one without colleagues.

And they are paid, just not enough to endure that kind of situation!”