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Elvis Presley’s Rejection of Marilyn Monroe Due to Height Difference

The legendary superstar Elvis Presley had encounters with numerous women, yet none as renowned as the iconic Marilyn Monroe.

Their first meeting reportedly took place behind the scenes of Paramount Studios in June 1960, but it was brief.

However, the management agent Byron Raphael played a pivotal role in reuniting these two Hollywood icons, and when they did meet again, there was a specific focus.

As recounted by Byron to Playboy and the New York Post in 2006, Marilyn had declined some opportunities to collaborate with Elvis on publicity dates.

Nonetheless, Elvis was determined and secretly organized a rendezvous.

Two weeks later, Elvis instructed Byron to pick up Marilyn for a clandestine meeting.

They convened at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, where upon seeing each other, they immediately engaged in intimate moments without uttering a word.

Following their encounter, Marilyn complimented Elvis by saying, “You’re pretty good for a guitar player.”

Byron, taken aback, described feeling shocked and unsure of how to proceed.

As the pair proceeded to the bedroom, he found himself in a state of bewilderment, contemplating whether to stay or leave, and eventually dozing off.

When Marilyn left, Elvis expressed his firm opposition to pursuing a relationship with her.

Elvis bluntly informed Byron that Marilyn was “a nice gal, but a little tall for me.”

Marilyn Monroe, standing around 5ft 5 inches tall, was considered average height for a woman in her 30s, while Elvis stood at approximately 5ft 9 inches.

This significant height disparity seemingly influenced Elvis’s decision, especially considering that his future wife, Priscilla Presley, was approximately 5ft 3 inches tall at the time of their marriage, suggesting a preference for shorter women.

The rejection of Marilyn Monroe by Elvis Presley based on their height difference has garnered attention, shedding light on the intricacies of their brief encounter and the underlying factors that contributed to Elvis’s decision.

Despite their shared status as cultural icons, personal preferences and physical attributes played a role in shaping the dynamics of their interaction.

This revelation offers a glimpse into the complexities of relationships within the realm of fame and celebrity, showcasing how even legendary figures like Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe were not immune to such considerations.