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Harvey Weinstein Accused of Booking Hotel Room to Assault Actress Jessica Mann

An aspiring actress, Jessica Mann, shared her harrowing experience in court, accusing Harvey Weinstein of booking a Manhattan hotel room with sinister intentions before a scheduled breakfast meeting.

Mann, aged 34, had ventured from a dairy farm in Washington state to pursue her acting dreams in Hollywood, facing hardships that led her to at times resort to sleeping in her car.

In March 2013, following a flight arranged by her agent to New York City, Mann found herself face to face with Weinstein, whom she had previously encountered at a Hollywood gathering a few months prior.

She recounted an incident in LA where Weinstein allegedly coerced her into oral s** during what she believed was a discussion about a vampire-themed film, and later demanded a threesome, leaving her distressed and in tears when she attempted to escape.

Upon reaching the hotel lobby in New York, Mann was taken aback to discover Weinstein checking in, prompting her to express her unease and attempt to dissuade him from acquiring a room.

Despite her protests, Weinstein seemed agitated by her interference and insisted on proceeding.

Mann vividly recalled feeling desperate as she tried to prevent him from obtaining a room, only to be reprimanded by Weinstein for causing a scene.

Subsequently, once inside the hotel room, Mann detailed how Weinstein thwarted her attempts to flee, forcibly undressed her, and commanded her to do likewise.

Overwhelmed with fear and anger, Mann described complying with his demands as he loomed over her menacingly, eventually culminating in a distressing encounter where Mann felt compelled to lie n^ked on the bed while Weinstein initiated s**ual activity.

Mann conveyed Weinstein’s demeanor towards her as domineering and harsh, akin to that of a drill sergeant – sharp and commanding.

Her emotional testimony revealed her shock upon discovering a used needle in the bathroom, which she alleged was used by Weinstein to inject medication for erectile dysfunction before engaging in unprotected intercourse with her.

She also shared disturbing details about Weinstein’s personal hygiene, describing it as notably unclean.

Expressing her deep sense of degradation, Mann likened her treatment at Weinstein’s hands to being discarded once she had served his purpose, highlighting the traumatic aftermath of the assault.

As the fifth accuser to testify against Weinstein in the State Supreme Court in Manhattan, Mann has brought forth charges of first and third-degree rape, along with predatory s**ual assault stemming from the 2013 incident.

Despite the testimonies of six women alleging assault by Weinstein, only Mann and Mimi Haley have been able to pursue legal action due to statutory limitations.

Weinstein’s defense team has vigorously contended that the encounters were consensual, seeking to undermine the credibility of the accusers by portraying them as individuals seeking fame and career advancement.

Throughout the trial, the defense has scrutinized the women for maintaining ties with Weinstein post the alleged assaults, eliciting responses regarding common behaviors of s**ual assault survivors staying connected with their perpetrators.

When questioned about her continued contact with Weinstein, Mann hesitated before explaining the complex dynamics involved, drawing parallels between Weinstein’s behavior and that of her father.

Mann elaborated on her perception of Weinstein’s power and influence within the industry, recounting instances where he flaunted connections to prominent figures such as Bill and Hillary Clinton while dangling promises of career opportunities.

Reflecting on her roommate’s encouragement to maintain contact with Weinstein, Mann struggled to articulate the conflicting emotions that characterized her interactions with the influential producer, citing concerns for her family’s safety as a factor in her decision to stay connected.

As the trial unfolds, Mann’s gripping testimony sheds light on the intricate web of manipulation, fear, and psychological coercion that defined her relationship with Weinstein, underscoring the profound impact of his alleged actions on her life.

The trial is ongoing, with further proceedings expected to delve deeper into the complexities surrounding the case.