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**Hollywood Scandal Unveiled: Clark Gable Accused of s**ual Assault by Co-Star’s Family**

The family of actress Loretta Young has accused Hollywood legend Clark Gable of s**ual assault, claiming he ‘date raped’ her during the filming of “Call of the Wild” in 1935.

Linda Lewis, Loretta’s daughter-in-law, has recently disclosed details of the alleged incident that took place when both stars were on the rise in the entertainment industry.

During the production of the movie, a young Loretta, aged 22 at the time, became pregnant with her daughter Judy, whose father was reportedly the married actor.

It wasn’t until many years later, after watching an episode of Larry King Live where the term ‘date rape’ was discussed, that Loretta realized she had been a victim of s**ual assault.

Upon this revelation, she confided in her daughter-in-law, stating that the term resonated with her own experience.

Despite carrying this secret throughout her life, Loretta never publicly revealed the truth before her passing at the age of 87 in 2000.

Following Judy’s death in 2011, the family deliberated on whether to expose the long-held secret to the world, considering the emotional impact it might have had on her.

Linda shared with BuzzFeed that Loretta’s main concern was to shield Judy from any potential hurt that could arise from learning the circumstances of her conception.

Judy, who remained unaware of the true nature of her birth for most of her life, only discovered the identity of her father when she turned 23 years old.

Tragically, by the time Judy learned about her paternity, Clark Gable had already passed away from a heart attack at the age of 59.