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Jared Kushner Accuses Former Chief of Staff of Inappropriate Behavior Towards Ivanka Trump at White House

In his upcoming book titled “Breaking History: A White House Memoir,” Jared Kushner reveals disturbing allegations against John F. Kelly, the former chief of staff during Donald Trump’s presidency.

According to Kushner, Kelly was perceived as a domineering figure with a dual personality, described as a “Jekyll-and-Hyde,” who reportedly pushed Ivanka Trump, Kushner’s wife, following a tense meeting in the Oval Office.

However, Kelly has vehemently denied this claim.

Kushner, who held the position of senior presidential adviser, portrays Kelly as deceitful, stating that there was only one instance where Kelly revealed his true nature.

Recounting the incident, Kushner shares how Ivanka encountered Kelly in the West Wing hallway after a heated discussion.

Ignorant of the situation, she greeted him, prompting Kelly to push her aside aggressively before storming off.

Despite the altercation, Ivanka chose not to escalate the matter, but it left a lasting impression on Kushner about Kelly’s character.

Shortly after the incident, Kelly allegedly visited Ivanka’s office and offered a seemingly insincere apology, which Ivanka accepted.

However, Kelly refutes this narrative, claiming no recollection of such an event and asserting that he would never intentionally harm a woman or apologize for something he did not do.

Contrary to Kelly’s denial, Kushner maintains that Julie Radford, Ivanka’s chief of staff, witnessed the apology extended by Kelly to Ivanka.

This rare visit by Kelly to Ivanka’s office was noted by Radford, supporting Kushner’s version of events.

According to reports, both Ivanka Trump and Julie Radford confirm the accuracy of Kushner’s retelling of the incident involving Kelly’s behavior towards Ivanka.

This revelation adds another layer of complexity to the dynamics within the White House during the Trump administration.

John F. Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general, assumed the role of chief of staff following a reshuffle within Trump’s administration.

Kelly’s approach of imposing order and discipline clashed with the more informal style favored by individuals like Kushner and Ivanka, leading to internal tensions and power struggles.

In his memoir, Kushner describes Kelly’s attitude towards Ivanka as contradictory, highlighting instances where Kelly undermined her initiatives while publicly praising her.

The strained relationship between Kelly and Ivanka further exacerbated the already contentious atmosphere within the administration.

A notable incident detailed in Kushner’s account occurred during a diplomatic visit to Beijing, where Kelly engaged in a confrontation with Chinese officials over access to the “nuclear football.” Despite the breach of protocol by the Chinese, Kelly’s aggressive response to the situation drew criticism for its confrontational nature.

Kelly’s actions in Beijing, as depicted by Kushner, underscore a pattern of behavior that characterized his tenure as chief of staff.

The book sheds light on the complexities of interpersonal relationships and power dynamics within the highest echelons of the White House.

As the publication date of Kushner’s memoir approaches, these revelations offer a glimpse into the inner workings of the Trump administration and the challenges faced by key figures like Ivanka Trump amidst a tumultuous political landscape.