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Jessica Biel Playfully Discusses Vaginas and Vibrators

Actress Jessica Biel engaged in a candid conversation about vaginas during a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session with Saundra Pelletier for WomanCare Global’s “Then Who Will” Campaign on October 29.

She described vaginas as both “magical” and “scary,” injecting humor into the discussion.

During the AMA, Biel and Pelletier pondered on the key takeaway from their chat.

They decided to infuse some lightheartedness into the serious topic of female anatomy.

Biel jokingly suggested that they could take a humorous approach, stating, “We could be really serious about this…or we couldn’t.”

She further added, “I mean we could literally say something funny about… I guess we should be serious.”

Pelletier proposed a balanced approach, suggesting, “We could do both.

We could say ‘Vaginas are awesome!

Most everybody came from a woman!’

We could use the line you said — anything that bleeds for seven days and lives on is amazing.”

Biel concurred with the idea of portraying vaginas as magical, while also humorously remarking that they can be perceived as weird and scary due to their unique nature.

Enthusiastically emphasizing the importance of understanding vaginas, Pelletier exclaimed, “THAT IS AN IMPORTANT TAKE AWAY.

I think everybody should know more about vaginas — they benefit everyone!”

Transitioning from the topic of female anatomy, Biel shared her perspective on the crucial advice a mother should impart to her child.

She emphasized the significance of maintaining personal integrity, highlighting that individuals have control over their choices and deserve self-care.

Biel stressed the importance of prioritizing one’s well-being and not being consumed by external concerns.

In a playful moment following the serious discussion, Biel responded cheekily to a question about what had significantly improved over the years.

With a quick wit, she humorously quipped, “Vibrators!”

Jessica Biel brought a mix of humor and insight to the conversation, showcasing her ability to tackle diverse subject matters with ease.