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Kate Beckinsale Opens Up About Michael Bay’s Influence on Her Appearance in “Pearl Harbor”

In a recent appearance on the Graham Norton Show, Kate Beckinsale revealed some insights about her experience working with the renowned director Michael Bay during the filming of “Pearl Harbor” back in 2001.

Reflecting on her time on set, Beckinsale shared how Bay’s expectations of her appearance differed from what she was accustomed to in the industry.

During the interview, Beckinsale expressed that she believed she did not fit the typical mold of actresses that Bay had previously worked with.

She humorously mentioned, “I don’t think I fit the type of actress Michael Bay had met before.

I think he was baffled by me because my b–bs weren’t bigger than my head and I wasn’t blonde.”

Adding to the complexity of their relationship, Beckinsale recalled instances where Bay suggested changes to her physical appearance, even shortly after she had given birth.

Despite having lost weight post-pregnancy, Beckinsale shared that there were expectations for her to further alter her physique if she wanted to secure the role.

She expressed confusion over the director’s insistence on her needing to work out, questioning the relevance of such demands for her character, a 1940s nurse.

Furthermore, Beckinsale shed light on Bay’s public remarks about her, which only served to deepen his apparent dissatisfaction with her.

She recounted an incident during the film’s promotion where Bay praised her male co-stars Ben Affleck and Josh Hart