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Kim Basinger Opens Up About Alec Baldwin’s Emotional Unavailability

Kim Basinger, aged 68, has expressed that her former spouse, Alec Baldwin, often lacked the emotional and mental capacity to engage in serious discussions concerning their daughter, Ireland.

During a recent episode of “Red Table Talk” on Facebook Watch, Basinger shed light on the challenges they faced as a family, stating, “We’re all fine, we get along, but he’s a challenge.

We’ve had our hurdles.”

Basinger highlighted that she felt Alec was not equipped to handle conversations relating to their daughter’s mental health issues, emphasizing his unique approach to life.

She affirmed, “I don’t think Alec was emotionally or mentally available for that kind of talk.”

Ireland, now 26 years old, believes that her father’s struggles with anxiety stem from his upbringing, where emotions were suppressed and vulnerability was perceived as a weakness.

She described Alec as coming from a background that discouraged emotional expression.

The couple, who tied the knot in 1992 and welcomed Ireland in 1995, endured a tumultuous split in 2002, engaging in a bitter custody dispute that unfolded publicly.

Reflecting on her attempts to connect with her father, Ireland shared, “There’s things I would go to my father for, but if I ever try to have this conversation with him, I doubt he would truly comprehend it.”

At one point, Ireland distanced herself from both parents due to struggles with substance abuse, revealing her family history marked by alcoholism and drug addiction during a candid conversation with Willow Smith.

Opening up about her past battles with anorexia, bulimia, and self-isolation, Ireland disclosed the depths of her personal turmoil, recounting a period where she felt disconnected from her loved ones and spiraled into destructive habits.

However, through perseverance and support, Ireland has managed to mend her relationships with her parents and overcome her eating disorders, marking a positive turn in her journey towards recovery and self-acceptance.

Meanwhile, Alec Baldwin, currently anticipating his eighth child and seventh with his present wife, Hilaria Baldwin, continues to navigate the complexities of fatherhood and family life amid his evolving personal and professional endeavors.