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Maggie Gyllenhaal Opens Up About Challenges with Intimate Scenes in ‘The Deuce’

At a retrospective event titled “Maggie Gyllenhaal in Five Acts” during the Vulture Festival on May 19, Maggie Gyllenhaal showcased her bold acting prowess.

The hour-long session kicked off with a montage of her top performances from films such as Secretary, Sherry Baby, Crazy Heart, The Honourable Woman, and The Deuce, where she fearlessly embraced roles that required n^dty and emotional depth.

Introduced by Hollywood editor Stacey Wilson Hunt, Gyllenhaal took the stage at Milk Studios in Manhattan amid praises for her daring choices in portraying characters like Eileen “Candy” Merrell, a prostitute and p^rn star in The Deuce.

The conversation delved into Gyllenhaal’s career journey, touching on the obstacles she faced, including being told she wasn’t conventionally attractive for certain roles and how accolades like an Oscar nomination didn’t instantly change her industry experience.

However, the most candid moment came when discussing her role in The Deuce, where she plays Candy.

Gyllenhaal shared her exhaustion from filming numerous intimate scenes due to the show’s focus on s** work in 1970s New York City.

She revealed reaching a saturation point during the first season, feeling drained by the repetitive nature of transactional s** scenes that mirrored Candy’s experiences.

Despite her weariness, Gyllenhaal channeled these sentiments into her portrayal, mirroring Candy’s evolution from initial acceptance to disillusionment with her circumstances.

She emphasized how her character’s emotional journey mirrored her own feelings towards the demanding scenes, driving her performance to reflect Candy’s internal struggles authentically.

Acknowledging the value of onscreen intimacy as a unique form of expression, Gyllenhaal highlighted the significance of these scenes in storytelling.

While hinting at a shift in dynamics for her character in The Deuce’s upcoming season, she also revealed her involvement in a comedy project with husband Peter Sarsgaard, exploring the unexpected romance between political figures Mary Matalin and James Carville.

Despite grappling with the challenges of creating her own projects, Gyllenhaal’s upcoming ventures promise fresh and intriguing narratives.

Her willingness to push boundaries and embrace unconventional roles continues to define her versatile career, setting her apart as a multifaceted talent in the entertainment industry.