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Michael Jackson’s Maid Reveals Allegations About His Relationship with Lisa Marie Presley

Michael Jackson’s former maid, Adrian McManus, has come forward with surprising claims about the late singer’s marriage to Lisa Marie Presley.

According to McManus, the couple’s intimate moments were merely a facade.

In an exclusive interview with The Sun, McManus cast doubt on the authenticity of Jackson and Presley’s physical relationship during their two-year marriage from 1994 to 1996.

She suggested that the couple staged scenarios in their bedroom to create the illusion of a passionate connection.

Recounting her observations, McManus disclosed that she encountered women’s undergarments strategically placed around Jackson’s bedroom, implying a deliberate attempt to deceive her.

The former maid vividly recalled an incident where she detected a lingering scent of women’s perfume on Jackson’s bedding and stumbled upon a delicate lace bra concealed beneath the bed.

These unusual discoveries led McManus to question the sincerity of the couple’s public image.

McManus elaborated, stating, “It all appeared orchestrated, as such occurrences had never transpired before.

While his personal clothing items were commonly strewn about, the presence of female belongings was unprecedented.”

Expressing her skepticism, McManus emphasized that despite the public assumption of intimacy between Jackson and Presley, she never witnessed them sharing intimate moments or occupying the same space within Jackson’s private quarters.

Moreover, McManus asserted that following Presley’s departures, Jackson’s attention would swiftly shift to his young companions, diverting his focus from any alleged romantic involvement with his wife.

Contrary to McManus’s assertions, author J Randy Taraborelli’s 2009 publication, “Michael Jackson: The Magic And The Madness,” depicted Jackson and Presley’s relationship as passionate and intense.

Reports now suggest that Presley is penning a revealing memoir detailing their tumultuous marriage.

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