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Queen Elizabeth II Sympathizes with Marilyn Monroe over Awkward Encounter

Following the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, a wave of sorrow has swept across the globe as people come together to mourn and honor the revered monarch.

In London, tens of thousands of individuals are gathering to pay their respects to the late queen as she rests in state before her upcoming funeral on Monday.

Known as the longest-reigning sovereign in history, Queen Elizabeth II was celebrated for her adeptness at engaging with various personalities, forging crucial relationships with politicians, entertaining world leaders, and forming connections with movie stars and musicians over her lengthy reign.

Throughout her 70 years on the throne, the Queen had numerous encounters with celebrities, but one particular meeting stood out involving Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe, whose nerves got the best of her, leading to an embarrassing incident.

In 1956, the iconic duo crossed paths when Marilyn was in the UK for four months filming “The Prince and the Showgirl” alongside Laurence Olivier.

Coincidentally, both Marilyn and the Queen were born in the same year, adding an interesting parallel to their meeting.

Residing in Englefield Green near London at the time, Marilyn and her husband Arthur Miller were temporarily London neighbors with the monarch.

A memorable moment transpired during the Royal Command Performance at the Empire Theatre in London, where Marilyn lined up alongside other notable figures to be greeted by Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret.

The presence of high-profile individuals in the queue seemed to heighten Marilyn’s anxiety as she awaited her turn to meet the beloved royal.

When the Queen and Marilyn finally conversed, they exchanged pleasantries about their shared experience as neighbors during the actress’s stay in London.

This significant interaction between the sovereign and the film legend has been chronicled in Michelle Morgan’s latest book titled “When Marilyn Met the Queen.”

According to the author, the two engaged in a brief conversation discussing their neighboring status and the Queen’s affection for Windsor.

Despite Marilyn’s choice of a silk low-cut dress that deviated from the expected attire, the Queen maintained the dialogue with the “Some Like It Hot” star, overlooking the fashion misstep.

Notably, the Queen was observant of Marilyn’s demeanor, particularly her makeup, which betrayed her nervousness through the telltale signs of lipstick smudging.

A friend of the Queen reportedly disclosed that Her Majesty expressed sympathy towards Marilyn, remarking on the actress’s visible anxiety-induced behavior.

Video footage from the event supports the Queen’s observation, capturing Marilyn nervously adjusting her lipstick while awaiting her encounter with the royal figure.

Following the awkward episode, Marilyn shared her impressions of the Queen, describing her as warm-hearted and exuding kindness during their exchange.

Allegedly, the Queen developed a keen interest in Marilyn’s cinematic work post their meeting, promptly viewing all of the actress’s films.

This intriguing interaction between the monarch and the movie star sheds light on a unique and memorable moment in their respective lives.