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Rebel Wilson’s Startling Encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen: A Shocking Revelation

Rebel Wilson shares her unsettling experience alongside her “Grimsby” co-star, Sacha Baron Cohen, in an excerpt from her upcoming memoir that left her feeling “scared.”

According to Wilson in her book “Rebel Rising,” every interaction with Cohen seemed to revolve around a request for her to perform n^de scenes, despite her firm stance against nudity.

In a disturbing incident, Cohen allegedly asked Wilson to engage in inappropriate behavior during the filming of their 2016 action movie, leaving her feeling uncomfortable and distressed.

Wilson recounts a moment when Cohen made an outrageous demand, asking her to perform a highly inappropriate act, which she vehemently refused, opting to quickly exit the situation by improvising a different scene.

Despite her resistance, Wilson found herself in a compromising position needing to film intimate scenes with Cohen, further exacerbating her distress and discomfort.

Disputing Wilson’s claims, Cohen’s representative, Daniel Smith, vehemently denies the allegations, labeling them as “demonstrably false.”

Wilson expressed her refusal to participate in any promotional activities for the film, citing her unease with the events that transpired on set as a contributing factor.

The actress emphasized that her decision to share her story was not about seeking retribution but aimed at raising awareness about such incidents to prevent their recurrence.

Wilson publicly identified Cohen as the individual she referred to as a “massive a–hole” in her memoir, despite alleged attempts by him to suppress information about the book.

Addressing the ongoing controversy, Wilson asserted her commitment to standing by her account and refusing to be intimidated into silence, emphasizing her resolve to speak out against such behavior.

Contrary to Wilson’s assertions, Cohen’s spokesperson refuted the claims, asserting that the actor treated Wilson with respect and professionalism throughout the production, supported by corroborating evidence and witness testimonies.

Undeterred by the pushback, Wilson reaffirmed her stance via social media, asserting her right to share her truth and rejecting any attempts to stifle her voice.