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Terry Crews: Breaking the Silence on Alleged s**ual Assault

Amidst a wave of s**ual harassment and assault allegations in Hollywood, Terry Crews has decided to share his own harrowing experience.

In an interview with Michael Strahan on Good Morning America, the former NFL player recounted the incident that compelled him to report a “high level Hollywood executive” to the Los Angeles Police Department.

During the interview, 49-year-old Crews identified Adam Venit as his alleged assailant, who serves as the head of the motion picture department at William Morris Endeavor (WME) and represents numerous celebrities.

WME confirmed that Venit has been suspended following an internal investigation into the matter.

Detailing the encounter, Crews expressed how Venit’s behavior was peculiar from the moment they met at a party in February 2016.

The actor described feeling uncomfortable as Venit made overtly s**ual gestures towards him, culminating in an unwanted physical advance where Venit squeezed his genitals.

Despite Crews’ attempts to push Venit away, the latter persisted, leading Crews to feel emasculated and objectified.

His wife, Rebecca King-Crews, present at the event, played a pivotal role in preventing a physical altercation.

Reflecting on the incident, Crews admitted to feeling intense anger and a desire to resort to violence, but his wife’s counsel dissuaded him.

He acknowledged the societal perceptions that could label him negatively as a large African American man responding aggressively.

Crews disclosed that he initially disregarded the incident until the revelations about Harvey Weinstein reignited his trauma.

He emphasized the psychological toll of such experiences and the challenges victims face in coming forward due to fear and stigma.

Asserting his decision to speak out, Crews rejected any notion of shame or blame for the delayed disclosure of his ordeal.

He drew inspiration from women who bravely shared their stories despite facing skepticism and backlash, highlighting the importance of breaking the silence to empower others.

In light of the ongoing reckoning with s**ual misconduct in the entertainment industry, Crews felt compelled to add his voice to the chorus of survivors advocating for accountability and change.

His resolve to share his truth serves as a beacon of courage and solidarity for those grappling with similar traumas.