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Terry Crews: From Abuse to Forgiveness

Actor Terry Crews recently shared his harrowing childhood experiences and the journey towards forgiving his abusive father.

Crews, known for his muscular physique, opened up about his turbulent upbringing on a recent episode of Running Wild with Bear Grylls.

He revealed that he started building physical strength as a form of protection against his violent, alcoholic father who frequently abused his mother.

Reflecting on his past, the 52-year-old actor disclosed, “Growing up was not a good experience.

My father was very abusive, you know, he used to beat my mother.

And so, it was one of those things where I knew I would have to get stronger because one day I thought I’d have to fight him.

That’s how it started out.”

In a candid conversation with Grylls, Crews recounted a heartbreaking incident from the year 2000 when he felt compelled to take action against his father’s abuse.

He vividly described an altercation where he physically confronted his father after witnessing him assault his mother during a family gathering.

Recalling the intense moment, Crews expressed, “We went home for Christmas, and my father decided to beat her one more time.

I mean, he had gone years without touching her, and he hit her in the mouth, knocked her tooth sideways, and I was, like, I told him, ‘Get the kids out the house.

Take the kids, everybody leave.

Just leave me and him alone.’”

The actor confessed to resorting to violence himself, admitting, “Bear, I beat this man.

I remember he was begging, begging, and all I could think of was, like, this is how my mother felt.

How do you like it?

And this is the thing, Bear.

I thought it would feel good.

And he’s on the ground, bleeding, crying, and I didn’t feel one bit better.

It left me with nothing.”

Despite the tumultuous past, Crews eventually sought therapy and underwent a transformative journey of forgiveness towards his father.

He revealed the emotional moment when he extended forgiveness to his father during a therapeutic session.

“That was the best thing I could ever think of to tell him,” Crews emotionally shared.

“We hugged, he cried.

Man, all I wanted was for us to be a family and for him to love my mother as much as we loved her.

And then at that moment, I knew we had transcended.”

While acknowledging that his relationship with his father is still a work in progress, Crews emphasized the power of forgiveness in allowing him to heal and move forward from the traumatic past.

“By me forgiving him, by me finding one thing to compliment him and be thankful for, I was able to transcend that moment and we were able to transcend it and, and get past it,” Crews reflected.

“And I find there’s a lot of things that you just have to cut your losses on.

Move on, and reevaluate the situation as it exists today.

And now, I have been able to move on.”

In a poignant revelation, Crews shared that his inclination towards comedy stemmed from a desire to bring joy to his mother during dark times.

He recalled the profound impact of making his mother laugh as a source of solace amidst the turmoil at home.

“There was a lot of sadness, you know, with my father being an alcoholic, and it being so violent at home, and I remember just being able to make her laugh, and she would just crack up,” Crews reminisced.

“I mean, her laugh just reverberated all the way through the house.

And, uh, it’s one of the things that gives me the most satisfaction today is making people feel good.”

The article concluded with a note on Crews’s mother, Patricia, who passed away in 2015 at the age of 66.

Additionally, resources were provided for readers who may have been impacted by domestic abuse, offering support through the National Domestic Abuse Helpline.

Terry Crews’s story serves as a profound narrative of resilience, forgiveness, and the enduring power of healing from past traumas.