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The Real Story of the Hollywood Sign Girl

The Tragic Tale of Peg Entwistle: Hollywood’s Heartbreaking Mystery

Millicent Lillian “Peg” Entwistle, a British actress, met a tragic end in 1932 when she took her own life by jumping off the iconic Hollywood sign’s “H.” This event led to her being dubbed as “the Hollywood sign girl” in tabloids.

The story of Peg Entwistle has inspired a screenplay in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix miniseries, “Hollywood.”

The show portrays an alternate history of 1940s Tinseltown and features a movie-within-a-movie based on Entwistle’s life.

However, the series takes creative liberties, including fictional elements like Ace Studios.

Despite the fictional portrayal in “Hollywood,” Peg Entwistle’s real-life story is one of tragedy.

Raised in New York City after her parents’ divorce, she pursued acting dreams that eventually led her to Los Angeles, where she faced hardships and setbacks.

After a brief stint on Broadway, Entwistle’s career took a hit following her father’s tragic death in a hit-and-run incident.

She later moved to Los Angeles with her family, where she embarked on a promising yet short-lived stage career.

Despite facing professional disappointments and personal struggles, Entwistle landed a role in the movie “Thirteen Women.”

However, her part was significantly edited due to censorship reasons, contributing to her mounting frustrations.

On September 16, 1932, at the age of 24, Entwistle tragically ended her life by jumping from the Hollywoodland sign.

A suicide note found with her belongings expressed her deep sorrow and regret, shedding light on the inner turmoil she was experiencing.

Her untimely death left a mark on Hollywood, with many viewing it as a cautionary tale of the industry’s harsh realities.

The circumstances surrounding her suicide have continued to fascinate and haunt people, with reports of sightings of a ghostly figure resembling Entwistle near the Hollywood sign.

Despite her tragic end, Peg Entwistle’s legacy lives on, serving as a reminder of the pitfalls of fame and the fragility of dreams in the unforgiving world of show business.

Her story resonates with creators like Ryan Murphy, who draw inspiration from her struggles and triumphs in their own artistic pursuits.