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Tippi Hedren Opens Up About Traumatic Experience with Hitchcock During Filming of The Birds

Tippi Hedren, a renowned actress and muse of Alfred Hitchcock, reveals in her latest memoir “Tippi” the distressing encounters she faced during the filming of iconic movies like The Birds and Marnie.

She sheds light on the intense and potentially abusive relationship she had with the acclaimed director.

The pivotal moment Hedren highlights in her memoir is the infamous ‘bedroom scene’ from The Birds, where her character Melanie is subjected to a brutal bird attack on camera.

Initially promised mechanical birds for the scene, Hedren was shocked when live birds were substituted at the last minute, as relayed by assistant director James H. Brown.

During five grueling days of filming, handlers continuously hurled various birds at Hedren, including ravens, doves, and pigeons.

The experience was described by Hedren as “brutal and ugly and relentless,” with the only solace being a compliment from Cary Grant, who commended her bravery amidst the chaos on set.

On the climactic day of shooting, live birds were affixed to Hedren’s costume, leading to a harrowing experience as they pecked at her during the scene.

Despite the distressing ordeal, Hedren soldiered on until a bird dangerously approached her eye, prompting her to halt the filming and demand a break, expressing her exhaustion and despair.

Witnessing the toll it took on Hedren, the crew empathized with her plight, yet Hitchcock remained indifferent to her suffering, prioritizing the completion of the film over her well-being.

Only after intervention from a doctor, who insisted on Hedren taking a week’s rest, did Hitchcock reluctantly agree, realizing the severity of the situation.

Reflecting on the media frenzy and acclaim that followed the release of The Birds in 1963, Hedren acknowledges the role Hitchcock played in her career’s success while also recognizing her own resilience throughout the tumultuous filming process.

Despite the challenges, she expresses gratitude for the opportunities that arose from working with Hitchcock.

Tippi’s memoir “Tippi” offers a candid account of her experiences with Hitchcock, shedding light on the darker aspects of their professional relationship.

It serves as a testament to her strength and determination in overcoming adversity in the pursuit of her craft, resonating with readers eager to delve into the behind-the-scenes dynamics of Hollywood’s golden era.