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  • Travolta Faces £2.4m s**ual Assault Lawsuit by Two Masseurs

Travolta Faces £2.4m s**ual Assault Lawsuit by Two Masseurs

John Travolta, renowned for his role in Pulp Fiction, is currently embroiled in a legal battle involving claims of s**ual assault and inappropriate conduct brought forth by two male masseurs seeking a total of £2.4 million in damages.

Allegations against the 58-year-old married actor surfaced when one of the accusers accused him of indecently assaulting during a massage session at the Beverly Hills Hotel in LA, where Travolta paid £130 per hour for the service, back in January.

The first masseur, who is identified under the pseudonym “John Doe,” recounted that after arranging an appointment over the phone, Travolta picked him up in his Lexus and drove him to a bungalow within the hotel premises.

There, the actor purportedly disrobed in front of both the masseur and a chef who was preparing burgers.

In a lawsuit spanning 14 pages filed in LA, it is alleged that following the departure of the chef from the room, Travolta engaged in inappropriate s**ual behavior with the masseur and later apologized, attributing the incident to a misinterpretation of signals.

A spokesperson for Travolta vehemently refuted the accusations, labeling the lawsuit as a work of fiction and asserting that the actor was not even present in California at the time of the alleged incident.

Casting further shadows on Travolta’s reputation, a second male masseur stepped forward, asserting that he had also been subjected to unwanted s**ual advances by the actor in January while providing services at a resort in Atlanta, Georgia.

Notably, John Travolta has been married to actress Kelly Preston for over two decades, and together they share two children, 12-year-old Ella Bleu and 18-month-old Benjamin.

The couple’s long-standing union adds another layer of complexity to the unfolding legal drama surrounding the acclaimed actor.

As the legal battle intensifies