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Alyssa Milano Shares Her Experience with Abortion Decisions in 1993

A well-known actress, Alyssa Milano, recently disclosed details about her choice to undergo two abortions over 25 years ago.

In a recent installment of her podcast, “Alyssa Milano: Sorry Not Sorry,” she candidly discussed her personal encounters with abortion, revealing that she had undergone the procedure twice in 1993, nearly back-to-back, during her early twenties.

Milano, now 46, emphasized that at that point in her life, she did not feel prepared to embrace motherhood, hence opting for abortion.

She asserted that making this decision was entirely hers and believes it was the correct path for her, even though it was far from an easy one.

Reflecting on her past, Milano disclosed that during that period, she was romantically involved with her boyfriend and taking birth control when she discovered she was pregnant unexpectedly.

Despite being deeply in love and experiencing the intensity of youthful affection, she acknowledged that she was not mentally or emotionally ready to become a parent.

At the time, Milano was just a year removed from her popular role in “Who’s The Boss” and actively engaged in various TV projects, including the 1993 film “Casualties of Love: The Long Island Lolita Story.”

She highlighted her burgeoning career, aspirations, and the significant role they played in her decision-making process.

Additionally, Milano mentioned that apart from professional aspirations, she was also using Accutane medication for acne treatment, which posed potential risks of birth defects during pregnancy.

Coupled with her struggle with anxiety, these factors played pivotal roles in her choice to terminate the pregnancy.

The emotional turmoil caused by her Catholic upbringing clashing with her decision added another layer of complexity to the situation.

Milano expressed feeling conflicted by the disparity between her faith’s teachings and the autonomy she believed women should have in decision-making processes regarding their bodies.

Despite the challenges she faced, Milano maintained her stance on s**ual autonomy and pleasure, refusing to succumb to societal pressures or moral judgments.

She vehemently defended her right to derive pleasure from intimate connections and rejected any attempts to impose antiquated beliefs about female sexuality.

Following the first abortion, Milano continued a consensual relationship with her partner, emphasizing her agency over her own body and rejecting societal norms that seek to regulate women’s sexuality.

Despite taking precautions, she found herself facing another unplanned pregnancy shortly after, leading to her second abortion.

Looking back on her experiences, Milano expressed no regrets about her decisions, recognizing the profound impact they had on shaping her life.

She credited her children, career, advocacy platform, and her loving husband as crucial elements that emerged from those challenging moments, underscoring the importance of personal freedom and autonomy in women’s lives.

In conclusion, Alyssa Milano’s openness about her past abortion experiences serves to destigmatize the topic and highlight the complexities surrounding reproductive choices.

It emphasizes the significance of empowering women to make decisions aligned with their circumstances and aspirations, free from judgment and societal constraints.

The podcast, “Alyssa Milano: Sorry Not Sorry,” continues to shed light on important issues every Monday.