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p^rn Star James Deen Denies Romantic Involvement with Lindsay Lohan

Pornographic performer James Deen, widely recognized for his erotic on-screen performances, has dismissed speculations regarding a romantic relationship with his co-star Lindsay Lohan from the movie “The Canyons.”

In an interview with Animal New York, Deen asserted that contrary to rumors, he and Lohan are not engaged in any intimate activities off-camera.

Deen candidly stated, “I can affirmatively say that Lindsay Lohan and I are not involved romantically!

If such a situation existed, I would openly disclose it to everyone.”

The conjectures about their relationship sparked when they were spotted together outside a restaurant, triggering assumptions about a potential liaison between them.

Despite Deen’s profession involving intimacy with women, he emphasized that his interactions with Lohan remain strictly professional.

Regarding Lohan, Deen expressed, “I have limited knowledge about her except that she is a genuinely pleasant, grounded, typical twenty-five-year-old woman.”

Recalling a business dinner they attended, he highlighted Lohan’s professionalism, noting her choice of beverages and the challenges posed by the presence of paparazzi during their exit from the venue.

In the upcoming film “The Canyons,” Deen assumes the role of Lohan’s on-screen partner under the direction of Bret Easton Ellis.

Although initial reports suggested the inclusion of explicit scenes between the two characters, Deen clarified that such portrayals are intrinsic to the narrative and not intended for gratuitous titillation.

Deen remarked, “The scenes are integral to the storyline.

This is not erotica.

Our objective is not to stimulate viewers unnecessarily.

If arousal occurs, it is incidental.

It mirrors narratives like ‘American Psycho’ or ‘Less Than Zero.'”

Drawing parallels to Ellis’ literary adaptations, Deen underscored the absence of gratuitous n^dty or s**ual content solely for sensationalism within the script.

Commencing filming on July 9, “The Canyons” symbolizes Deen’s venture into mainstream cinema.

Displaying a commitment to his acting role, Deen disclosed his enrollment in acting courses and a temporary hiatus from adult entertainment during production.

Reflecting on his career, Deen admitted, “Typically, I am always occupied with work.

My lifestyle resembles a perpetual vacation, eliminating the need for breaks.

However, this project marks a departure from my routine after eight years.”