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Bette Davis’ Heartbreak Over Daughter’s Betrayal Revealed by Assistant

The world of Hollywood witnessed a heartbreaking similarity between legendary actresses Bette Davis and Joan Crawford – both faced betrayal from their eldest daughters through shocking tell-all books.

In 1978, Christina Crawford released “Mommie Dearest,” portraying her adoptive mother as an abusive alcoholic prone to fits of rage.

This book surfaced a year after the star’s passing.

Following suit, Davis’ biological daughter Barbara “B.D.”

Hyman penned her damaging narrative, “My Mother’s Keeper,” in 1985.

The book depicted Davis as a ruthless bully who feigned suicide attempts for sympathy.

Hyman decided to unveil her story on Mother’s Day, shortly after Davis underwent a mastectomy and suffered a life-threatening stroke.

Kathryn Sermak, who faithfully served as Davis’ personal assistant from 1979 until her demise in 1989, disclosed to Fox News the profound impact the publication had on Davis.

Sermak revealed that Davis felt extreme humiliation and contemplated not wanting to live anymore.

Reflecting on the betrayal, Sermak emphasized that Davis never truly recovered from the ordeal.

Despite the pain inflicted by her daughter’s actions, Davis continued to harbor love for her, a sentiment that shattered her heart irreparably.

Sermak chronicled her experiences with Davis in her own book titled “Miss D and Me,” delving into the deep bond she shared with the iconic actress, known for her remarkable contributions to over 100 films and receiving 10 Oscar nominations during her illustrious career.

Recalling the distressing moment when Davis learned of Hyman’s accusations, Sermak affirmed the strong bond that once existed between mother and daughter, expressing disbelief at the portrayal presented in the book.

Sermak painted a picture of Davis as a mother willing to go to great lengths for her child, a dedication that seemed unreciprocated following Davis’ health struggles.

The assistant recounted the challenging period when Davis suffered a stroke, painting a bleak picture of uncertainty surrounding her survival.

Despite financial hardships faced by Hyman’s husband, Davis extended support by covering their bills and offering assistance through her lawyer and friend Harold Schiff.

Sermak highlighted Davis’ unwavering resilience in the face of adversity, showcasing her commitment to those around her.

Sermak’s relationship with Davis blossomed into a profound connection, transcending the boundaries of a typical employer-employee dynamic.

As Davis battled declining health, Sermak remained steadfast by her side, earning the endearing title of “stepdaughter” from the screen legend.

The duo engaged in light-hearted antics together, finding moments of joy amidst the challenges.

Sermak fondly recalled instances of playful mischief orchestrated by Davis, illustrating a lighter side to the acclaimed actress.

Davis’ final days were marked by a desire to embrace life fully, defying expectations and relishing in moments of joy and celebration.

Her legacy lives on through her enduring spirit and the impact she left on those who knew her intimately.

In a parallel to Crawford’s exclusion of Christina from her will, Davis also chose to disinherit Hyman, who currently leads a ministry in Virginia.

Sermak and Davis’ adopted son Michael Merrill now oversee the Bette Davis Estate as co-executors, ensuring her legacy endures.

As Davis’ story continues to captivate audiences, the mini-series “Feud,” depicting the tumultuous collaboration between Davis and Crawford in the film “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?”

has garnered critical acclaim and multiple Emmy nominations.

Sermak expressed gratitude for the series, believing it has introduced a new generation to Davis’ remarkable legacy, fulfilling a hope she held dear.