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John Travolta Faces Allegations of Misconduct by Male Masseur

A recent police report published on Radar Online has brought to light accusations against John Travolta, involving incidents of alleged groping and lewd behavior towards a male masseur at a California hotel.

The report details claims made by the masseur, identified only as John Doe, accusing Travolta of engaging in what he termed as “s**ual battery.”

However, upon investigation, the police officer handling the case concluded that the actions described did not meet the legal criteria for battery or s**ual battery.

Travolta, known for his denial of similar allegations in the past, found himself embroiled in another controversy.

The incident reportedly took place during a private massage session at the La Quinta Resort & Club in Palm Springs back in February 2000.

The unidentified masseur alleged that Travolta touched his bare buttocks and exposed himself inappropriately during the session, which included a deep-tissue massage and a “citrus scrub.”

According to the documents obtained by Radar Online, the masseur was called to the hotel at 1:30 a.m., with the spa allegedly being opened exclusively for Travolta’s use.

During the massage, Travolta purportedly insisted on focusing on his buttocks and repeatedly removed his towel, exposing himself.

Following the massage, the pair moved to another room where the citrus scrub was administered.

Throughout the process, Travolta, a prominent figure in the Scientology community, allegedly made suggestive remarks about the masseur’s appearance and expressed arousal.

The situation escalated when Travolta proposed demonstrating his own massage techniques on the masseur, leading to further uncomfortable interactions.

The masseur claimed that Travolta made unwelcome advances, including touching his inner thigh and buttocks, prompting him to leave the room feeling uneasy.

In a separate development, two other individuals identified as John Doe masseurs filed lawsuits against Travolta in 2012, each seeking $2 million in damages for alleged s**ual harassment.

These cases alleged instances of s**ual assault, battery, and emotional distress resulting from unwanted advances during private massage sessions.

Travolta’s legal team vigorously contested these claims, presenting alibis and challenging the authenticity of the allegations.

Despite public scrutiny and legal battles, Travolta maintained his innocence and refuted the accusations leveled against him.

The controversy surrounding Travolta’s conduct underscores the challenges faced by public figures in navigating allegations of misconduct.

As the legal proceedings unfolded and various claims emerged, the actor’s reputation came under intense scrutiny, casting a shadow over his career and personal life.

While the outcomes of these legal disputes remain contentious, the impact on Travolta’s public image and career trajectory has been significant.

The complexities of addressing such sensitive matters in the public eye underscore the importance of transparency, accountability, and due process in resolving allegations of misconduct within the entertainment industry.