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Princess Anne’s Former Husband Mark Phillips Revealed to Have Fathered ‘Secret’ Child

The portrayal of Princess Royal’s discontent in her marriage to Mark Phillips is highlighted in the fourth season of The Crown, which includes allegations of an affair with her bodyguard Peter Cross.

According to the Netflix series, Queen Elizabeth II confronts Anne about her intimate relationship with Sergeant Cross and insists on reassigning him to desk duties.

Anne expresses her strong attachment to Cross, emphasizing that he is her source of happiness and pleading with her mother not to separate them.

The separation of Princess Anne and Mark Phillips occurred in 1989 after private letters exchanged between Anne and her current spouse Timothy Laurence were stolen and leaked to the media.

Initially, they decided against divorce; however, in 1991, following claims from Heather Tonkin, an art teacher from New Zealand, that Mark was the father of her daughter Felicity five years prior, their decision changed.

Tonkin expressed her desire for public acknowledgment from Mark for their child and to have his name officially recognized on Felicity’s birth certificate.

Mark refuted the allegation, but it was later disclosed that he had been making annual payments amounting to £6,000 to Tonkin over five years under the pretense of hiring her as a consultant for equestrian matters.

Heather Tonkin also disclosed that Mark had suggested she terminate her pregnancy and went public after the payments ceased.

During Tonkin’s pregnancy, Mark was still married to Anne and residing with her at Gatcombe Park.

Following Tonkin’s revelations, Anne and Mark pursued divorce proceedings, finalizing the split in 1992.

A royal insider revealed to People Magazine at the time that this situation provided Anne with the opportunity to remove Mark from Gatcombe Park, enhancing her position significantly.

Felicity, Mark’s daughter, was unaware of her father’s existence until the age of eight when her mother decided it was time to reveal the truth as she embarked on a family history school project.

Reports from royal sources indicated that Mark had been in denial about his paternity until a DNA test confirmed his relationship with Felicity in 1991.

Despite his initial reluctance to accept his daughter, Mark ultimately settled a substantial sum, reportedly £350,000, for Felicity’s future well-being.

Recent reports suggest that Mark, now 68, has shown little interest in reuniting with Felicity or his grandson in New Zealand.

The Mail on Sunday detailed his apparent disinterest in reconnecting with his extended family.

The storyline depicted in The Crown provides viewers with a glimpse into the inner workings of the palace, offering insights into the personal lives of the royal family members.

Sources close to the royals shared that Mark initially struggled to acknowledge his paternal responsibilities towards Felicity despite conclusive evidence, illustrating a complex and emotional narrative within the royal family.

Princess Anne’s relationships with both her former and current spouses have faced public scrutiny, shedding light on the challenges faced by members of the monarchy in navigating personal and familial dynamics amidst public attention.

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