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Uncomfortable Joaquin Phoenix Walks Out During Fake Orgasm Scene with Scarlett Johansson

Marvel star Scarlett Johansson recently shared insights into an uncomfortable moment on the set of the movie “Her” involving her co-star Joaquin Phoenix.

The actress revealed that Phoenix was visibly distressed during the filming of fake orgasm scenes, to the extent that he had to leave the studio.

In the 2014 film “Her,” which premiered in the UK, the storyline revolves around Theodore Twombly portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix and Samantha played by Scarlett Johansson.

Their relationship unfolds uniquely as Samantha is an artificial intelligence virtual assistant embodied through a female voice.

During a conversation on Dax Shepard’s Archair Expert podcast, Johansson recounted the incident where her character was recording a simulated orgasm.

She mentioned how Phoenix struggled to cope with the situation, leading him to temporarily exit the studio while she remained in a state of discomfort.

Reflecting on the peculiar scenario during the scene, Johansson described the setting as surreal, with Phoenix being visibly agitated.

Despite her own composure, she acknowledged Phoenix’s unease and the unconventional atmosphere they were working in.

The actress further expressed her aversion to hearing her own voice, particularly in such intimate scenes, emphasizing the awkwardness and distaste associated with simulating an orgasm.

Johansson highlighted the challenging nature of such performances, especially when they veer into personal and sensitive territories.

Despite the challenging moments during the filming process, “Her” emerged as a significant success at the box office, grossing $48 million.

The Spike Jonze-directed film also garnered critical acclaim, securing an Academy Award for Best Screenplay at the 86th Oscars and receiving multiple nominations.

While acknowledging the film’s achievements, Johansson admitted her reluctance to revisit the movie due to personal discomfort.

She expressed a sense of potential embarrassment if she were to watch the film again, underscoring the lasting impact of certain scenes on her psyche.

In other parts of the podcast, the conversation turned towards Johansson’s experiences of feeling objectified within the entertainment industry.

She shared her frustrations about being typecast and not receiving offers for roles that aligned with her creative aspirations, reflecting on the challenges of navigating Hollywood’s perceptions and expectations.

Overall, Scarlett Johansson’s candid revelations shed light on the complexities and challenges faced by actors in portraying intimate scenes, as well as the broader issues of objectification and career dynamics within the entertainment industry.