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Americans Express Disillusionment with Harry and Meghan’s Actions

US journalist Lee Cohen has voiced strong criticism against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, labeling them as disrespectful to the nation they left behind.

In a recent interview with GBN America, Cohen discussed his opinion piece that highlighted the declining popularity of the Sussexes, not only among the general public but also within the Royal Family.

The controversy arose after reports surfaced that Harry was contemplating assuming a more prominent royal role while his father takes a step back from public engagements due to his cancer diagnosis.

Despite Harry’s reassurance on ABC’s Good Morning America about prioritizing time with his family during this challenging period, Cohen expressed skepticism.

He emphasized that while Harry claims to cherish his family, his actions convey a different narrative, especially since relocating to California with Meghan.

Cohen emphasized the lack of authenticity in the couple’s attempts to rebrand themselves, citing their adamant refusal to yield to criticism.

He pointed out that despite Harry’s public display of affection for his family following the King’s health announcement, the underlying issues stemming from their contentious relationship with the monarchy remain unresolved.

The journalist highlighted the significance of the Royal Family as symbolic representatives of the British nation, emphasizing that any affront to them is perceived as an insult to the entire country.

In a scathing critique, Cohen underscored the severity of Harry and Meghan’s actions, characterizing their behavior as treacherous and divisive.

He noted the growing awareness among Americans regarding the couple’s conduct, which contrasts sharply with the image they project.

Despite Harry’s professed intentions to mend familial ties, the lingering animosity resulting from their past actions continues to cast a shadow over any potential reconciliation.

Amidst the ongoing turmoil, speculations about a possible reunion between the Sussexes and the Royal Family persist.

While acknowledging the contentious history between the two parties, a royal insider emphasized the enduring bond that transcends conflicts.

The prospect of reconciliation remains uncertain, given the deep-seated grievances and public scrutiny surrounding Harry and Meghan’s contentious departure from traditional royal duties.

As the saga unfolds, the rift between the Sussexes and the British monarchy