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Prince William Urges Harry and Meghan to Participate in Royal Walkabout After Queen Elizabeth’s Passing

In a new book titled ‘Charles III: New King.

New Court.

The Inside Story,’ royal biographer Robert Hardman reveals that Prince William exerted pressure on his brother, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle to partake in a royal walkabout following the death of Queen Elizabeth, despite the potential awkwardness.

The event took place outside Windsor Castle on September 8, 2022, marking the first public appearance of the two couples together since Harry and Meghan stepped down as senior members of the royal family and relocated to the United States in 2020.

According to the book, the walkabout was primarily Prince William’s idea, driven by his belief that it was the appropriate course of action to honor their grandmother.

Hardman states, “He had been giving it a lot of thought and he said: ‘I know it’s awkward but isn’t it right in the context of my grandmother’s death?’ I know he asked a couple of other people, too.”

The walkabout lasted approximately 40 minutes, during which the four royals greeted well-wishers and mourners who had gathered outside Windsor to pay their respects.

However, the book highlights that neither couple found the experience easy, indicating the emotional complexity of the situation.

Furthermore, the book provides insight into the moment King Charles received the news of his mother’s passing.

As per the account, he was returning to Balmoral Castle after a mushroom-picking excursion when he was informed of Queen Elizabeth’s death.

Describing Queen Elizabeth II’s final moments, the book references a memo written by her private secretary that portrays a peaceful departure.

The document reveals that she passed away peacefully in her sleep, without any awareness or pain associated with her passing.

This intimate glimpse into the actions and emotions surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth sheds light on the dynamics within the royal family during this challenging period.

It displays Prince William’s determination to honor his grandmother’s legacy and highlights the complex emotions experienced by both couples during the public walkabout.

The book also offers a poignant insight into King Charles’ personal experience upon learning of his mother’s passing, as well