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Ryan Reynolds’ Hilarious Mishap: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Filming Intimate Scenes with Olivia Wilde

Ryan Reynolds, known for his charm and wit, faced an unexpected challenge while shooting a movie alongside Olivia Wilde back in 2011.

The pressure of filming intimate scenes with Wilde left Reynolds feeling awkward and out of his element, surprising both himself and the crew.

Reflecting on his experience working on the film “The Change-Up,” Reynolds candidly shared the struggles he encountered while shooting intimate scenes with Olivia Wilde.

The actor admitted to completely blanking on his lines during one particularly revealing moment on set.

Breaking Character: Ryan Reynolds’ Awkward Encounter with Olivia Wilde

Even the charismatic Ryan Reynolds found himself flustered during a s*x scene with co-star Olivia Wilde.

Opening up about the challenges he faced while filming intimate scenes for “The Change-Up” in 2011, Reynolds revealed the awkwardness he felt alongside Wilde.

Reynolds bravely recounted a moment on set where he was taken aback by Olivia Wilde’s playful choice of underwear, adorned with smiley faces.

The sight threw him off completely, causing him to forget not only his lines for that scene but also those from his entire career.

“In the scene, she’s sitting there and I take her top off and the bra off, and she has those panties on, but she’s drawn these adorable little smiley faces on them.

And I forget every line.

Not just from this movie, but from every other movie I’ve done,” Reynolds confessed.

An Unexpected Turn for Ryan Reynolds

Known for his ability to stay in character, Reynolds experienced a rare slip-up during this particular scene.

The actor, who once prided himself on never breaking character, found himself grappling with the embarrassing situation, turning what was supposed to be a smooth scene into a comedic mishap.

Despite the hiccup, Reynolds had a memorable time on set working with Olivia Wilde, Leslie Mann, and Jason Bateman in “The Change-Up.”

However, the film failed to resonate with audiences as expected, resulting in financial disappointment upon its release.

Financial and Critical Reception of “The Change-Up”

“The Change-Up,” featuring Ryan Reynolds and Olivia Wilde, struggled to make a mark at the box office, earning $75 million against a hefty budget of $52 million.

The film, although light-hearted and entertaining, failed to garner widespread acclaim, receiving a modest 25% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

While filming intimate scenes with Wilde proved challenging for Reynolds, the experience added a humorous anecdote to his repertoire in the entertainment industry.

Despite feeling like a novice during that particular moment, Reynolds maintained his professionalism and delivered a comedic performance throughout the movie.

For those interested, “The Change-Up” is now available for streaming on Netflix.