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King Charles III’s Alleged Son Simon Dorante-Day Blocks Social Media Critics

Simon Charles Dorante-Day, an Australian man, has long claimed on social media that he is the biological child of King Charles III and Queen consort Camilla.

His persistent assertions have led him to challenge the monarch to undergo a DNA test to validate his lineage.

In a recent turn of events, Simon, aged 56, has resorted to blocking individuals on his Facebook profile who question his royal heritage and dub him a ‘false prince’.

In response, a discussion group named “I have been blocked by Simon Charles Dorante-Day” has emerged among those who faced restrictions on interacting with him.

Established in June 2021, the Facebook group serves as a platform for dissenting voices to freely express their opinions without fear of censorship or exclusion.

Renamed from a “support group” to a “discussion group”, it currently boasts over 880 members.

Among the participants is the proprietor of the page “The fake Prince down under – The research”, which has garnered a substantial following of more than 1,600 individuals.

Allegations have surfaced that Dorante-Day has initiated legal actions against the page owner.

Simon Dorante-Day, the self-proclaimed illegitimate offspring of King Charles III and Camilla Parker, has come under scrutiny by the Facebook group, prompting requests for concrete evidence to substantiate his claims.

The administrators of the group have highlighted the absence of verifiable legal proof supporting Dorante-Day’s royal lineage apart from mere image comparisons and scrutiny of his historical narrative.

Moreover, they point out the lack of updates on purported ventures such as a television documentary or legal proceedings hinted at by Dorante-Day.

To gain entry into the group, prospective members are required to respond to initial queries, including whether they have been blocked by Simon and their stance on his proclaimed identity.

This vetting process aims to maintain transparency within the community and deter potential infiltrators sympathetic to Dorante-Day’s viewpoints.