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Prince Harry and Meghan’s Financial Choices Spark Distrust Within Royal Family

A royal expert has expressed concerns that the financial decisions made by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are eroding trust within the Royal Family.

This apprehension arises following reports that the Duke of Sussex offered assistance to the Royal Family amid his father’s retreat for cancer treatment.

Having renounced his senior royal status in January 2020, Prince Harry relocated to the US with his spouse Meghan and their children after a brief stay in Canada.

The couple has been vocal in their criticism of the royal way of life through various mediums like interviews, podcasts, books, and a multipart Netflix series.

During a discussion on GBN America, Pandora Forsyth highlighted the necessity for trust within the family.

She questioned the sustainability of the continuous shifts in their business endeavors, ranging from deals with Spotify to ventures with small startups.

Forsyth further pondered the value derived from their agreements, particularly emphasizing the lucrative outcome of their engagement with Spotify.

In terms of future prospects, Forsyth raised doubts about the viability of persisting with book publications and Spotify collaborations, given the extensive disclosures already made.

Moreover, she underscored the significance of rebuilding familial trust, a crucial element should Prince Harry contemplate rejoining the royal fold.

Forsyth emphasized the critical need for private dialogues to facilitate a comprehensive reconciliation process.

The challenge lies in ensuring the confidentiality of such discussions, as maintaining privacy is pivotal for overcoming existing barriers to trust restoration within the family dynamic.